Winner of the ATB photo competition

Our photo competition ended on 30 June 2019. In the meantime a selection of the 3 best photos has been made - with the following result:

Winner 1:

Fa Bökmann, Delbrück
Comment: "Sometimes you get company when you're in a small sewage treatment plant." 

Winner 2:

Fa Fynnland, Rastede
Comment: "Visual flood detector, consisting of canister and plastic pipe".

Winner 3:

Wichmann company, Hamm            
Comment: "Even a small sewage treatment plant can burn!" - Type of plant: AQUASTAR from RHEBAU

The winners have now been notified. Everyone received an action camera type "HERO 7".

We congratulate the 3 winners and wish them a lot of fun with the camera.

Many thanks to all senders of the sometimes quite strange photos and the participation in the competition!

Horse looks into pit
Visual flood detector, consisting of canister and plastic pipe
Burned sewage treatment plant