ATB among the innovative Top 100

AQUAmax inventor ATB Umwelttechnologien GmbH honoured by ex-Minister-President Lothar Späth for outstanding innovative performance.
The ATB Umwelttechnologien GmbH from Porta Westfalica for its outstanding innovative performance received the Quality Seal Top 100 2006. The seal was awarded within the framework of a festive event on 23 June 2006 at the top of the highest mountain in Germany, the Zugspitz, by mentor and ex Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Lothar Späth.
In his laudatory speech Lothar Späth struck the balance: "The Top 100 have no fear of excellence. They skilfully steer the interplay of science and the market, are thus economically successful and, through their continuous pursuit of innovation, create jobs. This dedication of the Top 100 nourishes Germany's growth"
And the Top 100 organisation in its press release for newspapers, radio and television writes further: "The ATB Umwelttechnologien GmbH is specialist for wastewater treatment plants. With its product line AQUAmax® the environ-mental professionals from Porta Westfalica have set standards in the business of small wastewater treatment plants. Thus it can be employed without great expenditure as retrofit unit both in existing as well as new multi-chamber pits and, depending on size, takes care of everything from detached family house up to a small village. The successor generation AQUAmax® BASIC functions even more economically and is equipped with a technology which, in this, branch counts as revolutionary. Less electrical connections, less units and significantly more security are the advantages, which this innovative technology offers to the operators of small wastewater treatment plants.
The considerably more that 50 specialists from ATB are working continuously on new ideas, solutions and technologies, in order to make the treatment of wastewater even more environmentally friendly. With this, they are supported by institutes and universities all over the world. This good climate of innovation is equally a firm part of the company?s concept as is the customer service. A telephone hotline and numerous service support points ensure rapid help in cases of malfunction."
Prof. Dr. Franke, from the Business University of Vienna, for the objective assessment of the individual companies, examined five central areas of innovative management based on a standardised procedure: the market success, the climate of innovation, innovative processes and organisation, support of innovation by top management as well as innovative marketing. With this, the East Westphalian ATB Umwelttechnologien GmbH, under the management of the managing partner, Markus Baumann, performed so outstandingly that it was able to ensure a first-class position under the innovative Top 100 of this country. The companies, awarded the quality sea are presented in the book "Top 100 2006 - outstanding innovators among the German small and medium-sized businesses", which is marketed via the German book trade.